110 acres hosted by Julia T.
3 RV/tent sites
Julia is a Star Host
Star Hosts are highly rated, responsive, and committed to providing incredible experiences.
(Note: Fireworks, crackers, sparklers, garbage burning are not permitted)
Tip: check out the 'Phases of the Moon' calendar in photos before booking!
Formerly: Spruill Farm Conservation Project
The Spruill Farm belonged to the Spruill Family for over a hundred years and has just been set up as conservation easement protected land. It includes hardwood forest, swamp, a beautiful swimming beach* on the Albemarle Sound - one of the largest freshwater sounds in the world-, acres of farmland, vegetable garden and perhaps the largest fig orchard for hundreds of miles around. The purpose of the Spruill Farm is to further environmental research, promote ecological education and sustainable practices, and provide access for the public to the ever-diminishing shoreline experience. Please enjoy the incredible sunsets and woodland views, while respecting the serenity of this unique gem on the inner-banks.
Wildlife on the property include Red Fox, River Otter, and 95 species of birds, including Bald Eagles (2 nests on the farm), nesting Osprey, Wood Ducks. Visit the 'Spruill Farm Conservation Project' on inaturalist(dot)org to see all 95 species, and upload any images from your observations.
Because it is a nature preserve, please read the guidelines and rules closely if you choose to book with us.
*Note: the shoreline changes with the wave action and the seasons. This makes the Bobby Wilkins shoreline trail so beautiful- always changing.
If your expertise and interests coincide with the mission of the Farm, feel free to propose collaborative projects to julia@thepeanutfactory.org