8 sites · RVs, Tents12 acres · Llano, NMTwo Hawk Ranch is comprised of 12 acres of high mountain valley meadows, hay fields, Acequias, trees and the Rio Chiquito. Yes, we are located at approximately 7,800ft elevation. My husband and I stumbled across this beautiful and serene property by accident in 2020 just as Covid hit. We feel blessed to be here and feel the need to share it’s calming, restful qualities. We have three adult children and have three grandchildren. We also have eight international children as we hosted international students for four years. You are welcome to come sit by the fire and be social or just do your own thing.
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Sites located across the property for up to 8 groups. The RV camping is located near one of our horse corrals and above our irrigation Acequia, above or next to the house, or in the field down by the arena after haying is complete (usually after the first week of July as long as the rain cooperates). Can back in or pull through and has 110v power nearby. No water to hook up to, but we can fill your tanks via hose by the house or arena. Other sites available if you don’t need power, or have a generator.
Property is within a 100yds of national forest service that gives access to off-roading, hiking, biking, horse riding, fishing, and winter snowshoeing, cross country skiing, etc. We are located just off the High Road to Taos in Llano, 29 miles south of Taos and 55 miles north of Santa Fe. We are eight miles from Ski Sipapu and eight miles from Rio Santa Barbara Canyon.
Your well-behaved pets are welcome. We also have one great dane (Raggy), a great dane mix (The Morrigan), one ranch cat (Sasha) and four horses (Gentry, Shadow, Mattie & Jr G). The dogs are a rescue of some kind. The Morrigan is black, 3.5 yrs old and comes out of a rescue in AZ. She went in with her litter as a 5 month old puppy, and she came here about a year later. She is reticent and suspicious, so ignore her and she will come up to you on her own; continue to ignore her. Ragnar (Raggy) is our most recent rescue and is from Las Cruces. He's 3 yrs old and a merle. He suffers from anxiety and fears children. We are working him through his fears, and he is doing really well.
The weather here tends to run cooler, as we are located in the mountains in a small valley at approximately 7,800 ft above sea level. In the spring through fall, temps will average from mid 40°F up to mid 60°F at night and mid 60°F up to mid 90°F during the day. Temps can get into the 100°F's in the summer, but that is rare. Generally if the sun is out, it is warm or hot even tho the actual temps are not. It's a high-altitude affect. The opposite is true as well. Cloud cover will feel cooler. We also experience monsoon style rains that occur in the afternoon generally starting in July and running into August or later.
In the late fall through early spring during winter, the average temps usually run from 0°F up to mid 20°F at night with occasional dips into negative temps and in the day generally run from mid 20°F up to the mid 40°F range. Same as above - if the sun is out, it will feel warmer, etc.
We do hay the fields, so we may have tractor activity going on in the late spring and early summer. In the winter we will be clearing snow from the roads and feeding hay.
Can't wait to see everyone this year!
Potable water