With the holidays upon us, we asked Hipcamp employees to share their most beloved outdoor gear and accessories to help curate the perfect gift guide for every adventurer. From backcountry experts to seasoned RVers to the never-before-camper, there’s an outdoorsy gift for everyone.
In general, we value experiences and human connection over things. Yet we realize that there may be a few key quality items each camper needs to make their experience comfortable and fun! Hipcamp aims to make it easier for more people outside, in whatever way they like—from camping and glamping or staying in an RV on either public or private land. (Check out all the camping options near you!)
One of our core beliefs is leaving it better, and that humans can and should have a positive impact on their environment. For this reason, we aimed to find and recommend gifts from companies that take steps to give back and help the planet.
Marmot supports environmental non-profits and has a commitment to fair trade sourcing and manufacture. This bag is rated for temperatures down to 15 degrees, and is made from 100% recyclable materials.
This bag is made to last a lifetime. It’s also filled with “Advanced Global Traceable Down” (i.e. goose down certified by NSF International from parent farm to apparel factory to help ensure the birds that supply it are not force-fed or live-plucked). Patagonia promotes fair labor practices, safe working conditions and environmental responsibility throughout the Patagonia supply chain.
You can filter searches for camping, glamping and RV accommodations on Hipcamp to find places that allow pets. For campers who love their adventurous dogs, but are not thrilled to share a sleeping bag with their furry friends every night, this is the sleeping bag specially sized and designed to keep your canine friend warm.
Give someone important in your life the meaningful and unforgettable gift of experiencing the great outdoors in a treehouse, cabin, yurt, dome, vintage Airstream trailer or tent with a Hipcamp gift card to go camping, glamping, or RVing outside.
This sturdy chair is comfortable for people of all sizes and contains two drink holders for the people in your life who hydrate with sips of water while also enjoying a glass of wine or a beer. McKinzie on our partnerships team says she loves these collapsable chairs.
This solar charging (and USB Charging) lantern provides 50 hours of light, and can help power up your smartphone or other devices while you’re in camp. Sarah on the Hipcamp Engineering team says: “I love this inflatable solar power lantern. It is extremely useful and you look really cool with it hanging off your bag. Everyone always asks where we got it.”
Cassandra on our host outreach team recommends this ultra-light camp stove.
To make sure that the campers in your life sleep comfortably, Maeve on Hipcamp’s support team recommends this comfortable pillow that comes with a stuff sack that enables you to smoosh it down to about the size of a 1-liter water bottle for easy packing.
Taylor Hipcamp’s Host Outreach team says: “This is the best travel bag!” We also appreciate that it’s made with 100% recycled polyester fabric, 100% recycled polyester lining and 100% recycled nylon webbing.
According to Sarah on Hipcamp’s engineering team: “You can’t go wrong with a vacuum sealed mug.” This cup will keep everything from coffee to oatmeal and chili warm for hours and avoid spills. And it will last for years and help the recipient avoid single-use cups and bottles as an important way to lessen environmental impact.
If the camper on your gift list loves hot tea as well as cold water, this is the bottle to get them. Welly’s bottles are made using renewable bamboo, and they contain a removable infuser for tea and coffee. Plus, their product packaging is made from recycled materials. And, Welly is committed to the belief that everyone in the world deserves clean water, and for every bottle purchased, the company donates $1 towards sustainable clean water projects in developing countries.
Remember that you’re outdoors to have some fun. McKinzie on our partnerships team recommends this light and portable Bocce set.
In Braiding Sweetgrass, Kimmerer combines her indigenous culture with her scientific background to present a unified worldview of how we can learn from nature: by studying and by listening. The resounding message? Humans can have a positive impact on the earth if we learn to listen to its lessons.
Ever wondered how you’re supposed to behave if you encounter a wild animal? Should you back up slowly? Be as loud as possible? Rachel Levin explains best practices in encounters with all kinds of fauna, making this the perfect gift for new campers and backcountry aficionados alike!
‘Tis the season for cozying up, gazing out, and practicing some much-needed self care. Now’s a great time to find a cool spot for your next camping, glamping or RV adventure. #FindYourselfOutside
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