60 acres hosted by Katrina F.
1 lodging site · 10 RV/tent sites
This beautiful place has been in my family for 3 generations. Since I was a child I loved having campfires and hiking. I used to imagine cabins speckling its landscape and story’s being told by travelers from far off places! Now that I am owner I can and will build those dreams and share them with as many folks as come to visit us! There’s 60 acres of hills for hiking a peaceful creek for meditation or just stick your feet in! A beautiful bamboo grove where we plan to build a camping platform in the very near future and you’ll be able to sleep in tha bamboo forest! We’ve come a long way in the last year, we have platforms, tents we can set up as glampers for those that love the idea but don’t want to have to set it all up. There’s several old buildings and unfinished projects left behind from my father we have a series of small cabins we will be building with them over the next 2 years it’ll be called “Boho Bottom”. We also host events, so far they are few and small but so much fun!! There is currently one communal bathroom with several more due to be built in the next year or so. As campers come the profit will help with future site development. Look forward to more updates as things develop!! We look forward to camp with you!